Thursday, January 29, 2009

Trying to get photos posted

I will be back on Monday to post photos of my girls and thier do's. Most of these are copied from Girly do's by jenn. Thanks to Jenn For all her help.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

More about me later

For now I will let you know a little about my girls, Mushie is 9 and has pin straight blonde shoulder length hair, who covets curls, and Katybug is 8 with very tightly curled dark brown with red hilights dry- just brushing her shoulders wet- way past her shoulder length hair who covets straight hair. LOL such is my life. I will be posting pictures later. This started as a quest for easy styles to do a on dozen girls v=for my katybugs makeover birthday party, jenn From the blog girly do's by Jen helped me alot. The party was a huge sucess and everyone loved the girls hair styles. I have even been asked to do several girls for special ocations. I can't seem to find many places to get Ideas from for my curly girl so what I do find i will post for other bloggers with curls to read. I will update more later.
